fabfile.py API ============== Overview -------- * Write a function populating :attr:`env.hosts` and :attr:`env.conf` for each server configuration. * Call :func:`update_env() ` at the end of each function. * In order to specify configuration the fab commands should use, run the configuring function as a first fab command:: fab my_site mysql_install * In order to make configuration default call the configuring function at the end of :file:`fabfile.py`:: from fab_deploy import * def my_site(): env.hosts = ['my_site@example.com'] # ... my_site() This way it'll be possible to run fab commands omitting the config name:: fab mysql_install Configuring ----------- .. autofunction:: fab_deploy.utils.update_env .. attribute:: env.hosts A list with host string. Example:: env.hosts = ['user@example.com'] See `fabric docs `_ for explanation. User obtained from this string will be used for ssh logins and as a default value for :attr:`env.conf.INSTANCE_NAME`. .. note:: multiple hosts are supported via multiple config functions, not via this option. .. warning:: Due to bug in Fabric please don't use ``env.user`` and ``env.port``. Put the username and non-standard ssh port directly into host string. .. attribute:: env.conf django-fab-deploy server configuration. All :attr:`env.conf` keys are available in config templates as jinja2 template variables. .. attribute:: env.conf.INSTANCE_NAME Project instance name. It equals to username obtained from :attr:`env.hosts` by default. INSTANCE_NAME should be unique for server. If there are several sites running as one linux user, set different INSTANCE_NAMEs for them. .. attribute:: env.conf.SERVER_NAME Site url for webserver configs. It equals to the first host from :attr:`env.hosts` by default. .. attribute:: env.conf.DB_NAME Database name. It equals to :attr:`env.conf.INSTANCE_NAME` by default. .. attribute:: env.conf.DB_USER Database user. It equals to 'root' by default. .. attribute:: env.conf.DB_PASSWORD Database password. .. attribute:: env.conf.PROCESSES The number of mod_wsgi daemon processes. It is a good idea to set it to number of processor cores + 1 for maximum performance or to 1 for minimal memory consumption. Default is 1. .. attribute:: env.conf.THREADS The number of mod_wsgi threads per daemon process. Default is 15. .. note:: Set :attr:`env.conf.THREADS` to 1 and :attr:`env.conf.PROCESSES` to a bigger number if your software is not thread-safe (it will consume more memory though). .. attribute:: env.conf.OS A string with server operating system name. Set it to the correct value if autodetection fails for some reason. Supported operating systems: * lenny * squeeze * maverick .. attribute:: env.conf.VCS The name of VCS the project is stored in. Supported values: * hg * git * none Default is 'hg'. VCS is used for making project clones and for pushing code updates. 'none' VCS is able to upload tar.gz file with project sources on server via ssh and then extract it. Please prefer 'hg' or 'git' over 'none' if possible. One can write custom VCS module and set :attr:`env.conf.VCS` to its import path:: env.conf = dict( # ... VCS = 'my_utils.my_vcs', ) VCS module should provide 'init', 'up', 'push' and 'configure' functions. Look at :mod:`fab_deploy.vcs.hg` or :mod:`fab_deploy.vcs.none` for examples. .. attribute:: env.conf.HG_BRANCH Named hg branch that should be active on server. Default is "default". This option can be used to have 1 repo with several named branches and run different servers from different branches. .. attribute:: env.conf.GIT_BRANCH Git branch that should be active on server. Default is "master". This option can be used to run different servers from different git branches. .. attribute:: env.conf.PROJECT_PATH Path to django project (relative to repo root). Default is ''. .. attribute:: env.conf.LOCAL_CONFIG Local django config file name. Default is 'config.py'. Common values include 'local_settings.py' and 'settings_local.py'. This file should be placed inside :attr:`env.conf.PROJECT_PATH`, imported from settings.py and excluded from version control. .. note:: Default value is not set to one of widely-used file names by default (e.g. 'local_settings.py') in order to prevent potential data loss during converting existing project to django-fab-deploy: this file is overwritten on server during deployment process; it is usually excluded from VCS and contains important information. .. attribute:: env.conf.REMOTE_CONFIG_TEMPLATE The name of file with remote config template. Default is 'config.server.py'. This file should be placed inside :attr:`env.conf.PROJECT_PATH`. It will become :attr:`env.conf.LOCAL_CONFIG` on server. .. attribute:: env.conf.CONFIG_TEMPLATES_PATHS An iterable with paths to web server and other config templates. Default is ``['config_templates']``. .. attribute:: env.conf.PIP_REQUIREMENTS_PATH Default is 'reqs'. This path is relative to repo root. .. attribute:: env.conf.PIP_REQUIREMENTS The name of main requirements file. Requirements from it are installed during deployment. Default is 'all.txt'. .. attribute:: env.conf.PIP_REQUIREMENTS_ACTIVE The name of pip requirements file with commonly updated requirements. Requirements from this file are updated by :func:`fab_deploy.virtualenv.pip_install` and :func:`fab_deploy.virtualenv.pip_update` commands when they are executed without arguments. ``fab push:pip_update`` command also updates only requirements listed here. Default is 'all.txt'. .. attribute:: env.conf.APACHE_PORT The port used by apache backend. It is managed automatically and shouldn't be set manually. You can put any other variables into the :attr:`env.conf`. They will be accessible in config templates as template context variables. Writing custom commands ----------------------- While django-fab-deploy commands are just `Fabric `_ commands, there are some helpers to make writing them easier. .. autofunction:: fab_deploy.utils.inside_project .. autofunction:: fab_deploy.utils.inside_src .. autofunction:: fab_deploy.utils.run_as