Source code for fab_deploy.system

#coding: utf-8
from __future__ import with_statement
import os.path
from fabric.api import run, settings, env, cd, sudo
from fabric.contrib import files
from fabric import utils as fabric_utils
from fab_deploy import utils

__all__ = ['create_linux_account', 'create_sudo_linux_account',
           'ssh_add_key', 'install_sudo']

def prepare_server():
    """ Prepares server: installs system packages. """
    os = utils.detect_os()
    if os in ['lenny', 'squeeze']:


[docs]def install_sudo(): """ Installs sudo on server. """ run('aptitude install -y sudo')
@utils.run_as_sudo def install_common_software(): """ Installs common system packages. """ common_packages = [ 'python', 'build-essential', 'python-dev', 'python-setuptools', 'python-profiler', 'libjpeg-dev', 'zlib1g-dev', 'libssl-dev', 'libcurl3-dev', 'libxml2-dev', 'libxslt1-dev', # for lxml 'screen', 'locales-all', 'curl', 'memcached', 'subversion', ] extra_packages = { 'lenny': ['libmysqlclient15-dev'], 'squeeze': ['libmysqlclient-dev'], 'maverick': ['libmysqlclient-dev'], 'lucid': ['libmysqlclient-dev'], } os = utils.detect_os() if os not in extra_packages: fabric_utils.abort('Your OS (%s) is unsupported now.' % os) aptitude_install(" ".join(common_packages + extra_packages[os])) # git and mercurial are outdated in stable Debian Lenny and # don't work with some source repositories on github and bitbucket vcs_options = {'lenny': '-t lenny-backports'} aptitude_install('mercurial git git-core', vcs_options.get(os, "")) aptitude_install('bzr', '--without-recommends') sudo('easy_install -U pip') sudo('pip install -U virtualenv') @utils.run_as_sudo def setup_backports(): """ Adds backports repo to apt sources. """ os = utils.detect_os() backports = { 'lenny': ' lenny-backports main contrib non-free', 'squeeze': ' squeeze-backports main contrib non-free', 'maverick': ' maverick-backports main universe multiverse restricted', 'lucid': ' lucid-backports main universe multiverse restricted', } if os not in backports: fabric_utils.puts("Backports are not available for " + os) return sudo("echo 'deb %s' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.sources.list" % backports[os]) with settings(warn_only=True): sudo('aptitude update') env.conf._APTITUDE_UPDATED = True @utils.run_as_sudo
[docs]def create_linux_account(pub_key_file, username=None): """ Creates linux account, setups ssh access and pip.conf file. Example:: fab create_linux_account:"/home/kmike/.ssh/" """ with open(os.path.normpath(pub_key_file), 'rt') as f: ssh_key = username = username or env.conf.USER with (settings(warn_only=True)): sudo('adduser %s --disabled-password --gecos ""' % username) home_dir = utils.get_home_dir(username) with cd(home_dir): sudo('mkdir -p .ssh') files.append('.ssh/authorized_keys', ssh_key, use_sudo=True) sudo('chown -R %s:%s .ssh' % (username, username)) from fab_deploy import virtualenv virtualenv.pip_setup_conf(username=username)
[docs]def create_sudo_linux_account(pub_key_file, username=None): """ Creates linux account, setups ssh access and adds the created user to sudoers. This command requires root ssh access. """ username = username or env.conf.SUDO_USER if username == 'root': return home_dir = '/home/%s' % username with open(os.path.normpath(pub_key_file), 'rt') as f: ssh_key = with (settings(warn_only=True)): run('adduser %s --disabled-password --gecos ""' % username) with cd(home_dir): run('mkdir -p .ssh') files.append('.ssh/authorized_keys', ssh_key) run('chown -R %s:%s .ssh' % (username, username)) line = '%s ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' % username files.append('/etc/sudoers', line)
[docs]def ssh_add_key(pub_key_file): """ Adds a ssh key from passed file to user's authorized_keys on server. """ with open(os.path.normpath(pub_key_file), 'rt') as f: ssh_key = run('mkdir -p .ssh') files.append('.ssh/authorized_keys', ssh_key)
@utils.run_as_sudo def aptitude_install(packages, options=''): """ Installs package via aptitude. """ if not hasattr(env.conf, '_APTITUDE_UPDATED'): sudo('aptitude update') env.conf._APTITUDE_UPDATED = True sudo('aptitude install %s -y %s' % (options, packages,)) #@utils.run_as_sudo #def install_backup_system(): # sudo('aptitude install -y s3cmd ruby rubygems libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libopenssl-ruby') # sudo('gem install rubygems-update') # sudo('/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/update_rubygems') # sudo('gem install astrails-safe --source')

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