Source code for fab_deploy.utils

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import with_statement
import os
import posixpath
import pprint
from copy import deepcopy
from re import match
from functools import wraps

from fabric.api import env, prefix, cd, abort, warn, puts, run, task, settings, sudo
from fabric.contrib import files, console
from fabric import state
from fabric import network

__all__ = ['run_as', 'update_env', 'inside_project', 'inside_virtualenv',
           'inside_src', 'delete_pyc', 'print_env', 'detect_os', 'define_host']

OS detection failed. This probably means your OS is not
supported by django-fab-deploy. If you really know what
you are doing, set env.conf.OS variable to desired OS
name in order to bypass this error message.
If you believe the OS is supported but the detection
fails or you want to get your OS supported, please fire an issue at

DB_BACKEND is set to default value ('mysql'). Please provide DB_BACKEND
explicitly because this default fallback will be removed in 0.9 release.

def _codename(distname, version, id):
    patterns = [
        ('lenny', ('debian', '^5', '')),
        ('squeeze', ('debian', '^6', '')),
        ('maverick', ('Ubuntu', '^10.10', '')),
        ('lucid', ('Ubuntu', '^10.04', '')),
    for name, p in patterns:
        if match(p[0], distname) and match(p[1], version) and match(p[2], id):
            return name

def detect_os():
    if 'conf' in env and 'OS' in env.conf:
        return env.conf['OS']
    output = run('python -c "import platform; print platform.dist()"')
    name = _codename(*eval(output))
    if name is None:

    puts('%s detected' % name)
    return name

def run_as(user):
    Decorator. Runs fabric command as specified user. It is most useful to
    run commands that require root access to server.
    def decorator(func):
        def inner(*args, **kwargs):
            old_user, host, port = network.normalize(env.host_string)
            env.host_string = network.join_host_strings(user, host, port)
            result = func(*args, **kwargs)
            env.host_string = network.join_host_strings(old_user, host, port)
            return result
        return inner
    return decorator

[docs]def run_as_sudo(func): """ Decorator. By default all commands are executed as user without sudo access for security reasons. Use this decorator to run fabric command as user with sudo access (:attr:`env.conf.SUDO_USER`):: from fabric.api import run, task from fab_deploy import utils @task @utils.run_as_sudo def aptitude_update(): run('aptitude update') """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return run_as(env.conf.SUDO_USER)(func)(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
@task def upload_config_template( name, to=None, skip_unexistent=False, extra_context=None, **kwargs ): if to is None: base_dir = env.conf['ENV_DIR'] + "/etc/" run('mkdir -p ' + base_dir) to = base_dir + name config_template = _config_template_path(name) if config_template is None: if skip_unexistent: return abort('Config template "%s" is not found' % name) context = deepcopy(env.conf) if extra_context is not None: context.update(extra_context) files.upload_template(config_template, to, context, use_jinja=True, **kwargs)
[docs]def update_env(): """ Updates :attr:`env.conf` configuration with some defaults and converts it to state._AttributeDict (that's a dictionary subclass enabling attribute lookup/assignment of keys/values). Call :func:`update_env` at the end of each server-configuring function. :: from fabric.api import env, task from fab_deploy.utils import update_env @task def my_site(): env.hosts = [''] env.conf = dict( DB_USER = 'my_site', DB_PASSWORD = 'password', ) update_env() """ assert len(env.hosts) == 1, "Multiple hosts in env.hosts are not supported now. (%s)" % env.hosts user, host, port = network.normalize(env.hosts[0]) env.conf = getattr(env, 'conf', {}) env.conf.setdefault('INSTANCE_NAME', user) env.conf.setdefault('PROJECT_PATH', '') if 'DB_BACKEND' not in env.conf: warn(DB_BACKEND_WARNING) HOME_DIR = '/home/%s' % user if user != 'root' else '/root' SRC_DIR = posixpath.join(HOME_DIR, 'src', env.conf['INSTANCE_NAME']) PROJECT_DIR = posixpath.join(SRC_DIR, env.conf['PROJECT_PATH']).rstrip('/') defaults = state._AttributeDict( HG_BRANCH='default', GIT_BRANCH='master', DB_NAME=env.conf['INSTANCE_NAME'], DB_BACKEND='mysql', SUDO_USER='root', PROCESSES=1, THREADS=15, SERVER_NAME=host, SERVER_ADMIN='', PORTS = PortManager(env.conf['INSTANCE_NAME']), VCS='hg', # couldn't be here because of utils recurrent reference #APPS = { # 'nginx': Nginx(), # 'apache': Apache(), #}, PROJECT_PATH='', CONFIG_TEMPLATES_PATHS=['config_templates'], PIP_REQUIREMENTS_PATH='reqs', PIP_REQUIREMENTS='all.txt', PIP_REQUIREMENTS_ACTIVE='active.txt', # these options shouldn't be set by user HOME_DIR=HOME_DIR, ENV_DIR=posixpath.join(HOME_DIR, 'envs', env.conf['INSTANCE_NAME']), SRC_DIR=SRC_DIR, PROJECT_DIR=PROJECT_DIR, USER=user, ) defaults.update(env.conf) env.conf = defaults for backend in 'mysql', 'postgres', 'postgis', 'dummy': if env.conf.DB_BACKEND == backend: env.conf.DB_BACKEND = 'fab_deploy.db.' + backend # FIXME: DB superuser name should be obtained from the db backend if 'DB_USER' in env.conf and env.conf.DB_USER == 'root': if 'DB_ROOT_PASSWORD' in env.conf and 'DB_PASSWORD' in env.conf: msg = "DB_ROOT_PASSWORD and DB_PASSWORD must be the same because DB_USER is root" assert env.conf.DB_ROOT_PASSWORD == env.conf.DB_PASSWORD, msg else: # auto-fill the missing option password = env.conf.get('DB_ROOT_PASSWORD', env.conf.get('DB_PASSWORD', None)) if password is not None: env.conf.DB_PASSWORD = env.conf.DB_ROOT_PASSWORD = password for vcs in ['git', 'hg', 'none']: # expand VCS name to full import path if env.conf.VCS == vcs: env.conf.VCS = 'fab_deploy.vcs.' + vcs
[docs]def define_host(host_string, defaults=None): """ This decorator populates :attr:`env.hosts`, :attr:`env.conf` and calls :func:`update_env() <fab_deploy.utils.update_env>`:: from fab_deploy.utils import define_host @define_host('') def my_site(): return { 'DB_USER': 'my_site', 'DB_PASSWORD': 'password', } Decorated function should return a dict with desired :attr:`env.conf` values. There is no need to wrap function in @fabric.api.task decorator because :func:`define_host <fab_deploy.utils.define_host>` will do it for you. :func:`define_host <fab_deploy.utils.define_host>` also accepts a dict with default values:: from fab_deploy.utils import define_host DEFAULTS = dict( PROCESSES = 3, VCS = 'git', ) @define_host('', DEFAULTS) def my_site(): return { 'DB_USER': 'my_site', 'DB_PASSWORD': 'password', 'PROCESSES': 2, } # env.conf will contain PROCESSES=2 and VCS='git'. """ def decorator(func): @task @wraps(func) def inner(*args, **kwargs): env.hosts = [host_string] if defaults is None: env.conf = dict() else: env.conf = deepcopy(defaults) env.conf.update(func(*args, **kwargs)) update_env() return inner return decorator
def virtualenv(): """ Context manager. Use it for perform actions with virtualenv activated:: with virtualenv(): # virtualenv is active here """ return prefix('source %s/bin/activate' % env.conf.ENV_DIR) def inside_virtualenv(func): """ Decorator. Use it for perform actions with virtualenv activated:: from fabric.api import task from fab_deploy.utils import inside_virtualenv @task @inside_virtualenv def my_command(): # virtualenv is active here """ @wraps(func) def inner(*args, **kwargs): with virtualenv(): return func(*args, **kwargs) return inner
[docs]def inside_src(func): """ Decorator. Use it to perform actions inside remote source dir (repository root) with virtualenv activated. """ @wraps(func) def inner(*args, **kwargs): with cd(env.conf.SRC_DIR): with virtualenv(): return func(*args, **kwargs) return inner
[docs]def inside_project(func): """ Decorator. Use it to perform actions inside remote project dir (that's a folder where :file:`` resides) with virtualenv activated:: from fabric.api import run, task from fab_deploy.utils import inside_project @task @inside_project def cleanup(): # the current dir is a project source dir and # virtualenv is activated run('python cleanup') """ @wraps(func) def inner(*args, **kwargs): with cd(env.conf.PROJECT_DIR): with virtualenv(): return func(*args, **kwargs) return inner
class PortManager(object): """ Port management utility with dict-like interface. Requires `port-for <>`_ utility on the remote end. Use it in config templates when you need an unique local TCP port for connecting different parts of deployment (e.g. web frontend and web backend). Example is below. host:: @define_host('') def my_host(): return { # ... # This is just an example; you likely don't need this because # django-fab-deploy makes PortManager(env.conf.INSTANCE_NAME) # available as PORTS by default. PORTS = PortManager('foo'), } apache config:: Listen{{ PORTS['apache'] }} NameVirtualHost{{ PORTS['apache'] }} <VirtualHost{{ PORTS['apache'] }}> # ... nginx config:: server { listen 80; location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:{{ PORTS['apache'] }}; } # ... } """ def __init__(self, namespace='default'): self.namespace = namespace def _run(self, cmd): # sudo is required to associate a new port but is not # required to read a port number so we try ``run`` first and # ``sudo`` second. Without this non-priveleged users won't be # able to change configs that use PORTS variable. with settings(warn_only=True): result = run(cmd) if not result.failed: # XXX: catch only "Permission denied" errors? return result return sudo(cmd) def __getitem__(self, item): name = "%s/%s" % (self.namespace, item) cmd = 'port-for %s' % name return int(self._run(cmd)) @task @inside_project def delete_pyc(): """ Deletes *.pyc files from project source dir """ run("find . -name '*.pyc' -delete") @task def print_env(): """ Prints env values. Useful for debugging. """ puts(pprint.pformat(env)) def get_home_dir(username): if username == 'root': return '/root/' return '/home/%s/' % username def _data_path(fname): """Return the path to a data file of ours.""" return os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], fname) def _project_path(name): return posixpath.join(env.conf.PROJECT_PATH, name) def _remote_project_path(name): return posixpath.join(env.conf.PROJECT_DIR, name) def _pip_req_path(name): if not name.endswith(('.txt', '.pip',)): name += '.txt' return posixpath.join(env.conf.PIP_REQUIREMENTS_PATH, name) def _config_template_path(name): for dir in env.conf.CONFIG_TEMPLATES_PATHS: path = posixpath.join(dir, name) if os.path.exists(path): return path