Source code for fab_deploy.apache

from __future__ import with_statement
import re
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.contrib import files

from fab_deploy import utils
from fab_deploy import system

__all__ = ['touch', 'apache_restart']

APACHE_PORTS_FILE = '/etc/apache2/ports.conf'
APACHE_FIRST_PORT = 50000 # see

[docs]def touch(wsgi_file=None): """ Reloads source code by touching the wsgi file. """ if wsgi_file is None: wsgi_file = env.conf['ENV_DIR'] + '/var/wsgi/' + env.conf['INSTANCE_NAME'] + '.py' run('touch ' + wsgi_file)
def apache_make_wsgi(): """ Uploads wsgi deployment script. """ wsgi_dir = env.conf['ENV_DIR'] + '/var/wsgi/' run('mkdir -p ' + wsgi_dir) file_name = env.conf['INSTANCE_NAME'] + '.py' utils.upload_config_template('', wsgi_dir + file_name) @utils.run_as_sudo def apache_is_running(): """ Returns if apache is running """ with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True): output = sudo('invoke-rc.d apache2 status') return output.succeeded @utils.run_as_sudo
[docs]def apache_restart(): """ Restarts apache using init.d script. """ # restart is not used because it can leak memory in some cases # without pty=False restart silently fails on Ubuntu 10.04. sudo('invoke-rc.d apache2 stop', pty=False) sudo('invoke-rc.d apache2 start', pty=False)
# ==== installation === @utils.run_as_sudo def apache_install(): """ Installs apache. """ system.aptitude_install('apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi libapache2-mod-rpaf') sudo('rm -f /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default') sudo('rm -f /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default') apache_setup_locale() @utils.run_as_sudo def apache_make_config(): """ Updates apache config. """ _apache_setup_port() name = env.conf['INSTANCE_NAME'] utils.upload_config_template('apache.config', '/etc/apache2/sites-available/%s' % name, use_sudo=True) sudo('a2ensite %s' % name) def apache_setup(): """ Updates apache config, wsgi script and restarts apache. """ apache_make_config() apache_make_wsgi() apache_restart() @utils.run_as_sudo def apache_setup_locale(): """ Setups apache locale. Apache is unable to handle file uploads with unicode file names without this. """ files.append('/etc/apache2/envvars', ['export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"', 'export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"'], use_sudo=True) # === automatic apache ports management === @utils.run_as_sudo def _ports_lines(): with settings(hide('stdout')): ports_data = sudo('cat ' + APACHE_PORTS_FILE) return ports_data.splitlines() def _used_ports(lines): ports_mapping = dict() listen_re = re.compile('^Listen (?P<host>.+):\s*(?P<port>\d+)') instance_re = re.compile('^# used by (?P<instance>.+)') for index, line in enumerate(lines): match = re.match(listen_re, line) if match: instance = None if index: instance_match = re.match(instance_re, lines[index - 1]) if instance_match: instance ='instance') ports_mapping['port')] = instance return ports_mapping @utils.run_as_sudo def _apache_setup_port(): """ Makes sure some port is correctly listened in :file:`ports.conf` and sets :attr:`env.conf.APACHE_PORT` to this port. """ lines = _ports_lines() # take over ports.conf TAKEOVER_STRING = '# This file is managed by django-fab-deploy. Please do not edit it manually.' if lines[0] != TAKEOVER_STRING: lines = [TAKEOVER_STRING] used_ports = _used_ports(lines) for port in used_ports: if used_ports[port] == env.conf.INSTANCE_NAME: # instance is binded to port env.conf.APACHE_PORT = port puts('Instance is binded to port ' + str(port)) return # instance is not binded to any port yet; # find an empty port and listen to it. for port in range(APACHE_FIRST_PORT, APACHE_LAST_PORT): if str(port) not in used_ports: # port is found! lines.extend([ '', '# used by ' + env.conf.INSTANCE_NAME, 'Listen' + str(port) ]) env.conf.APACHE_PORT = port puts('Instance is not binded to any port. Binding it to port ' + str(port)) sudo("echo '%s\n' > %s" % ('\n'.join(lines), APACHE_PORTS_FILE)) return warn('All apache ports are used!')